
Mean Foodies

I remember when I was very young and we lived in Barnaby in Suffolk, that a neighbour invited us round for a BBQ, when asked if there was anything we could bring – they replied “Meat”. My parents thought this mean, if we ever had anyone round for dinner we would feed them ourselves and …

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Blogging Food !!!

I love food – I love eating it, I love cooking it, I love teaching it, I even love wearing it – – – but thats another blog (yer, Lady Ga Ga, your not the only one who can pull of a serrano ham skirt stitched together with strawberry laces) I must admit to being …

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Shaw Shank Lamb Redemption

In the good old days when ABC were singing about poisoned arrows and Jimmy Saville was well respected (I never liked him) lamb shanks were a thing of revoltingness with the forshank and hind shank being a lower sheep’s leg of connective tissue and fattiness, needing hours of old fashioned stewing to render it down …

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Slow Cookers and Me

I wasn’t going to put this blog on, with the thought I might upset someone but then I was watching ‘come Dine with Me’ last night and witnessed a couple putting frozen chicken chunks in to a slow cooker with a tin of chicken soup and a splash of cheap plonk – – ‘ that’s …

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Rant No 1: I hate Sponge

I hate sponge and I think butter cream is the antichrist of the patisserie world – Don’t get me wrong if I was served a cute little cup cake from a cute little orphan I wouldn’t say no, rather smile politely and eat its devilish delights, just as simply as if I was at afternoon …

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