
I’m Proper English I am!

It’s a very English thing to like things ‘just so’ a school friend once called my house ‘just so’ and I didn’t know what the hell she was talking about, in fact I was offended and very defensive about the comment, I considered it rude and disrespectful to my mother – but I think I …

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Human Feet & Pigs Trotters

There I was waiting for my Pilates class, as I casually looked down I noticed a startling sight – – someone’s open toed sandals displaying a set of bare feet and toes nails. It’s not that I have ‘whatever the opposite to a foot pettish’ is – it is just the sublime realism that feet …

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The Norwich 500

The EDP phoned me up today for some words of blogging food banter regarding all the bars, restaurants and cafes in Norwich City Centre – – That’s got me thinking – there’s tons of em When I first moved down here from London we missed the choice of eateries – in London me and my …

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Judging a Restaurant by a dish

Today my children fancied chips and curry sauce, a bit unusual for a Sunday but I thought I would indulge them especially since my Northern hubby loves a good haddock and chips from a proper chippy. So after quite a long google search trying to find a good sit down fish and chips restaurant open …

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Good Ole Christmas Pudding

I believe in father Christmas and I also believe that 20% of people don’t like plum pudding while 70% love it and the other 10% don’t give a plum duff. It is assumed that the origins began as a dish called Plum Pottage a sweet and savoury beef broth, thickened with bread, enriched with fruits, …

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Tipping – the balance

There I was on one of my Food & Drink Walking Tours, enjoying some succulent plump Moules in creamy yumminess in the beautiful Art Deco restaurant of St Giles Hotel and the subject of tipping came up. To tip or not to tip that is the question, 5%, 10% more percent, add it to the …

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