The Rule of Judging 

For the 4th time it was an honour to be part of the judging team at the annual EDP / Norfolk Magazine Food Awards, otherwise known as #FADA-Norfolk  (Food & drink awards).

I was given in my opinion the best category the Restaurants – Best Restaurant of Norfolk. 

I do respect these awards above any other as they are voted for the people (although businesses can nominate themselves), judged by professionals and awarded by sponsors. There can be no dishonesty and winners are deservingly chosen on merit.

How it all works – the local press have a website where people can nominate from around April / May this is usually open until June. 

The nominees are then asked to submit an information form which is then passed on to the judges. 

Judges then have to sift through all the entries and pick a top 6 / 8 list.

If it’s a restaurant / café / pub visit they usually give permission for a meal on the house for the judges or sometimes it’s a meeting visit with the judges to talk through their nomination. 

Visits are meant to be unannounced but businesses are usually on the lookout for a table of two. This year the sponsor was last year’s Best Restaurant of Norfolk and Best Service, Richard Bainbridge of Benedict’s & great British menu fame. So there wasn’t a lot of disguising us, as I know many of the places too from blogging and writing. 

It’s a hard job but someone has to do it – we had 2  weeks to visit 7 restaurants for two or three courses over lunch times and evenings, often booking 2 in a day. It’s a lovely thing but it’s also a challenge. A tasty challenge but like a work out which needs some mental and physical preparation.

And obviously going as a judge means you have to be critical and observant. All of this effort takes away the usual date night enjoyment of the food. Admittedly we did find a hair in one dish, a fish bone in another and one with the classical components missing. But if everything was perfect, it would make our job harder. 

It was lovely joining Richard B on 7 restaurant visits getting to know a local restaurateur and some of the inner workings of a restaurant business who has a successful side hustle, producing supplies for his own brand ‘RB Provisions’.  Finding family, Norwich College and Norfolk food and drink as a shared passion, it’s a small world Norfolk so we knew some of the same people and who I didn’t know I got a good insight. 

Things I found out about Benedict’s  – Like my holiday homes you have to keep up standards, so you don’t sink in to an abyss of tardiness, leading to complaints and a lack of footfall. 

Benedict’s gets decorated every year, floors are sanded, tables are refinished and everywhere gets a good refresh. I have to respect both Richard and his wife Katja who’s involved with the business for their dedication to keep on top of their game. They have always personally welcomed new restaurateurs to Norwich and been there to help if needed. They see rivals as a chance to improve and keep up their game  – rather than feud. Constantly inspiring staff, formulating to improve and being involved in the local community. 

Richard has often given cookery classes to communities so much so he gained a Doctorate from the University of East Anglia – so next time you see him call him Doctor – even though he doesn’t use it and is far too not Vain-Bridge. 

I certainly gained a bigger respect for Benedict’s and finding out they offer a lighter menu for their new on street, al fresco dining area – I will be sure to book in sooner than later. Last time me and my hubby dined there was for my Birthday last year, where we enjoyed a 5 course taster menu – my favourite way to lunch. When they first opened there was a waiting list and we didn’t get in for a few years so our first experience was a dinner time 8 course taster menu ending on Nanas triffle, the wining dish at the Great British menu. 

Anyway – 

The winners will be announced at the award ceremony at Caister Hall in mid-September – from our 7 we have to get it down to 3 including the winner, which we definitely can’t mention, even if you tickle me or pay me in chocolate! NO NO

On the night all 3 finalists will be invited along to the ceremony, hosted by someone wonderful no doubt (I hope it’s Hugh Jackman, his mum lives in Norwich)  – we will all eat a delicious supper and as caterers fuel ourselves at the bar (some more than others) when eventually the winners in each category will be announced. 

The winners then get the title BEST OF along with a trophy they can display in their various businesses as well as an influx of trade. Numbers of customers have been proven to be boosted by all the advertising announced soon after the event on both the EDP and the Norfolk Magazine, along with of course social media by people like me. (by people like me I mean Norwich food writers, foodies and bloggers)

Oh and by the way the judge is getting judged next week for being nominated for the Best Food Experience in Norfolk, for my Food and Drink Walking Tours. As a nominee I will say nothing, no expectations, just happy to be nominated and if I win I may strip naked and sing agadoo on stage. 

(I wouldn’t / I won’t ?!?!)

So as you can see the FADA awards are an award not only worth winning but also being nominated for, if not nominate your own business next year if you believe you could be the best in your field. 

I urge you in-fact I insist upon it – why wouldn’t you.

Follow me on social media for the reminders.

Insta – @love_Norwich_food

Tik Tok – @Love_Norfolk_Food

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By Zena Leech-Calton ©